Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another Night Out!

It was a busy week! Tonight our friends Jeff and Suz came over to watch the kids as we went out to dinner. It was part of a birthday gift they gave me. We had a great dinner at Bonefish Grill and enjoyed a quiet two hours. We got back to this scene. We must be exciting people (just kidding) because they don't sleep this well when we are with them. Everytime they are with other people they seem to just sleep!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Night Out!

Tonight Aunt Melissa and Uncle Timmy babysat the twins so we could go out and meet up with some of our friends to celebrate a birthday. We forgot to take a picture of them with Melissa and Timmy, but here is one of us on the rooftop of Chez Nora in Mainstrauss. Even though we only stayed out for about three hours, the twins were fast asleep when we came to pick them up.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Greek Fest!

Tonight the twins experienced their first Greek Fest....well technically it is their second since I was pregnant with them last year. We had a blast. Food, drinks, and live music and dancing. It is our favorite thing in the summer. There is always a great crowd, I can't wait until next year when they can enjoy some of the rides and games.

Ethan started getting hungry watching everyone plow down AWESOME Greek food. Elaine was content to watch in her Daddy's arms.

The Battle Begins!

This is a new thing, who gets to rollover! It's a complete battle.

And the winner is................ETHAN. Looks like he used the classic vomit move. I guess he figures if he can't rollover, NOBODY can!

It looks like I've got to go buy another one.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Wednesday Night Fiesta!

Tonight we went over to Laura's house for dinner with Julie and Laura. The girls went crazy over the babies. It was nice to just sit back and relax while other people entertained the twins. Dinner was WONDERFUL and the margaritas were REFRESHING! Ethan felt there was enough estrogen in the air, so he ducked out leaving his Dad high and dry. Somehow he really thought this position was comfortable!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This week is bananas! The kids seem to enjoy them, but the feeding is still messy. It will be nice once they get the chewing thing down!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Lady Elaine

Elaine is such a lady! She rolled for the first time on Monday. Patrick got it on video. She really didn't do it again until Thursday morning when I used the catepillar as a motivation. She did it so easy! It's like she could have done it all this time, but didn't see a reason to get all worked up and maybe even break a sweat! What a lady!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!

Ethan finally rolled over today! Unfortunately Patrick missed it by about 5 minutes. I got it on video though, so he can see it that way. This is a video taken a little later this evening. He is now an expert and can do it with no effort.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The kids just love the playmat! Here's Ethan playing on it while his Grandma watches him.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Move Over Formula!

We got the green light this week to start solids! This week is plain rice cereal. I plan on making most of their food myself, so I'll start off easy and next week is bananas!

Monday, June 16, 2008

4 Month Checkup!

Today was the twin's 4 month check up! Ethan had some conjestion/wheezing so he has to come back next week to get his shots. Elaine took the trauma as best as one would imagine. Here's some snap shots of them relaxing after they got home.


Weight 12lbs5oz (19%)

Length 23in (8%)

Head circum. 16.25in (58%)


Weight 13lbs13oz (25%)

Length 23.5in (5%)

Head circum. 16in (11%)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

It was Patrick's first Father's Day! We started off with breakfast in bed. Then the twins gave him his present. We cleaned up and headed off to the zoo to check out the new Giraffe exhibit. When we got back, we walked up to The Dubliner and had a late lunch. We relaxed the rest of the afternoon and Patrick cooked a chicken on the grill for dinner. We finished up the day with a piece of Patrick's favorite cake.....yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sibling Love or Cannabolism?

At first glance, it seems like big brother Ethan is going in to give his little sis Elaine a loving kiss!

A second later it seems that he may not be loving her....instead he looks hungry. I tried to explain to him that this is wrong on so many levels! Poor Elaine is just clueless.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What a Weekend!

After a fun and memorable weekend with both of our families, Patrick and the kids take a few moments to recharge. I took advantage of the quiet time to catch up on our blog entries.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Celebration Continues

After dinner we came back to the house to have cake, open presents, and just relax. The cake turned out perfect! I was so happy. Ethan and Elaine received so many great gifts that they will cherish forever. Thank you everyone!

Cousins Morgan, Jake, and George enjoy each other's company. They can't wait until the twins can join them and play.

A Celebration Feast

After the baptism, everyone met for dinner at Buca di Beppo's. We had the "Godfather" table...which seemed very appropriate. The family enjoyed an exciting game of "spin the Brando head". It's very similar to "spin the bottle" except we spun the bust of Marlo Brando located on the lazy susan in the middle of the round table. Aunt Cate, cousin George, and Aunt Melissa take the time out of playing while waiting for dinner.

Patrick, cousin Jake, and Ethan are nice and relaxed after dinner is devoured. Uncle Timmy entertained everyone with his Carnie-like talents....we'll need to keep on eye on this one!

It's Official

The twins were baptized this weekend. Both sides of the family came down for the big event. Both babies were well behaved and everything went smoothly. I don't think Ethan was too thrilled to wear a dress, but what else would I use to embaress him later in his life when his girlfriends come over.

Special thanks to Jamie, Michael, Don and Cate for stepping up and taking on the role as Godparents!

Friday, June 6, 2008

George the Caregiver

Friday night, Patrick's family arrived. We all met over at Timmy and Melissa's for a family BBQ. After dinner, George showed us how well he could take care of the babies.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Water Baby

Elaine just loves baths. Here she fiercely poses...I think Tyra would be impressed. Ethan is not pictured because he HATES the water and he screams and cries. It looks like we are torturing him.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ethan and the Paparazzi

Ethan is very aware of the camera. Instead of hamming it up, he acts like we are invading his privacy and immediately gets serious. Kind of reminds me of the stars and the paparazzi. Here I intrude on his giggling session with Patrick.

Monday, June 2, 2008

My Blankie and Me

I think I made a big mistake! Ethan was taking a liking to his cloth diaper burp cloths. I thought the snuggly blankets my friend Sonya made were so much cuter. Now we always have to make sure he has his blankie. I might have to have Sonya make another one so I have a back up! (the cloth diapers would have been an easier replaceable attachment)