Friday, October 31, 2008

A Surprise in the Mail

Ethan and Elaine received really fun pumpkin toys from their Grandma and Grandpa in the mail today. Ethan is a little unsure, but Elaine can't enough of it. Now if I can just teach her to push the button so I don't have to do it!

!st Halloween!

Tonight the twins experienced their first Halloween! We weren't going to take them out because they clearly can't eat candy, but Ethan's cold had brought down my mom, Morgan, and Jake. (who had school off) So we took them around with Morgan and Jake.

You can clearly see the excitement in their eyes as we get ready to take off!
The end result was great. I think the kids enjoyed watching everyone and receiving a crazy amount of attention from fellow trick or treaters. Morgan and Jake got a boatload of candy. Everyone was a little wired was bedtime came around, but eventually we got them down.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Future President Barker

Ethan has mastered waving "hi/bye". In fact it is his new favorite thing. From the minute he gets up he waves, while smiling, down the hall, down the steps, to the fridge, to the stove...I think you all get the picture! As I watch him do this two images pop in my pagent and politician. I think I'll stick with the politician image! :)

Elaine can also wave, but she is MUCH more selective on who, when, or why. This makes it much harder to get a picture. I'm working on it though.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nonie to the Rescue!

Ethan is still sick! It started at the pumpkin farm on Sunday. We took him to the doctor on Monday and he was diagnosed with croup. After missing one day of work for me and two days of work for Patrick, we had to call in reinforcements....Nonie to the rescue! My mom came down tonight and will help us out the rest of the week. We can only hope he will be better by this weekend. Trick or Treat is Friday!

Super Elaine

Meanwhile, Elaine is fighting off Ethan's croup like a champ. She even has time to help with the dishes.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today the kids got their first shoes! They got to try them out at the pumpkin farm. Nothing to crazy or fancy...Patrick just got sick of them pulling their socks off and thought these might help.

Pick a Pumpkin, Any Pumpkin

This Sunday we took a trip to a pumpkin farm. The kids had fun picking out pumpkins and watching kids play in the playground. Next year we promised them we would go into the corn maze and on the hayride.

Towards the end of our adventure, Ethan started taking a turn for the worse. We quickly packed up and headed back home.....have you seen anything this pathetic?!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today we headed to the zoo for HallZOOween. Our nephew Jake came with us and attended a class "Being Gross is Great"! After the class we got our costumes on and went trick or treating around the zoo. Actually just Jake got treats. Patrick only tried once to get candy for the kids and was denied. He was crushed becuase it was his favorite...tootsie roll pops!

We finally found out what's more annoying than being in public with twins.....being in public with twins dressed as giraffes! We couldn't take one step without people pointing, talking about us loudly, or stopping us to look at the twins. It was crazy.

Chef Jake

After the zoo adventure we headed back to the house where Jake showed us his culinary talents. Chocolate/Peanut Butter cookies....YUMMY!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bye Bye Bumbos

The kids have said goodbye to the bumbos! They now use their highchairs to eat. It's a sad day for me...they are growing up TOO fast.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

College Visits Already?!!

Today we went to homecoming at the University of Cincinnati. We got there in time for the parade. The kids enjoyed the parade...especially Ethan because he liked the noise from the marching bands.

After the parade we headed to the Chi Omega house to see the house and feed the kids. Ethan practices flirting with the girls as Grandma and Grandpa take a break.

Elaine poses for a picture as a future legacy with Aunt Melissa and me in front of our old sorority.

Afterwards we headed to Christy's for a beer and then shot over to Camp Washington Chili for lunch. Once we got home the kids were whipped.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rubber Ducky is Definitely "The One"

The twins have grown out of their "baby" bathtub. Tonight we went to Target and got them a new tub that goes into the bathtub. Patrick blew it up and put it on the floor. Within seconds Ethan was trying to climb into it! There is a sound chip in the beak that quacks when squeezed. I didn't think Ethan could get happier, but he did when it quacked at him.

Once we pryed it out of Ethan's hands long enough to take it upstairs and fill it with water, Ethan was ready to enjoy some splashing time.

Elaine was equally excited. The new tub is a raving success. Bathtime will never be the same! I just wish they made one big enough for twins. Oh well, we'll be able to use the regular tub for both of them at the same time before I know it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Good Morning!

Morgan and Elaine show their morning happy face. We drove up to my parent's house the day before to help them chop up some trees that fell during the wind storm. Unfortunately Patrick got a wood chip in his eye and scratched his cornea. We spent three hours in the Urbana Emergency room. I don't have any pictures because Patrick wouldn't let me take any of him. Sorry, would have been a great addition to the blog! :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

New Neighbors

Today, after a long week, we relaxed down the street at our friends Bea and Tony's new house. They have a great deck that we took advantage of during the nice weather.