Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Camping!

Every year Patrick has to leave the Sunday before Memorial Day to get his company's conference ready. So the kids and I said goodbye to everyone and headed up to Dayton to meet my family at the campgrounds. It was completely night and day to the Labor Day trip. They could walk around, play, and enjoy so much more! It was so hard to pick pictures to show everyone.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

No Kids Allowed!

We got to the hospital to see the new baby, but the twins were not allowed to come in. You can see the lost expressions on their faces as we told them! :)

While Patrick and I went in to see Phillip, the twins hung out in the waiting room with their grandparents. Once they saw all of the distractions, they quickly forgot the devastating news!

A New Arrival

After almost three days, the twins new cousin was finally born! Phillip Padberg Barker.

PS. I do not have the Swine Flu! I had some allergies and was being precautious in case it was a cold.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Baby Days Are Coming to an End

Grandma and Grandpa came today for the upcoming arrival of our new cousin. Pretty soon we won't be the babies in the Barker family!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Training for the Major Leagues

Tonight Patrick and the twins were able to come to my softball game. The kids had a blast playing with their toys and running around. Patrick and I are now talking about taking them to a Reds game this summer to see if they enjoy it.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Morgan!

This weekend we went up to Urbana for Morgan's birthday. Her birthday is actually a day before mine, but my parents were in Hawaii until last Sunday so we had to postpone the celebrations. The twins had a great nap at Nonie and Poppy's before heading over to Aunt Jamie and Uncle Mark's house. Elaine had a hard time waking up and needed some Nonie time to wake up.

Morgan's Uncle Chuck and her cousin Lily were able to make it to the party, so Elaine immediately ran over to see who the new chick was!

Ethan, on the other hand, chose to lock himself in the dog's cage until he could size the new girl up. His interactions with girls is mainly Elaine and she is a bully so he needed to be cautious. Once he deemed Lily safe, he joined the ladies for some fun with cars.

After dinner we all sang Happy Birthday to Morgan and had some cake and ice cream. By the end of the night, the twins were spent and quickly fell asleep!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Today we went over to Melissa and Timmy's to celebrate Mother's Day. The boys hung out with the kids while Melissa cooked up some sides and I put finishing touches on the upcoming baby's room.
We had ribs, mac n cheese, corn and brownies. It was scrumptious.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Grass Isn't So Scary!

This weekend Patrick and I spent a lot of time outside working on the yard. We put a retaining wall along the driveway and had a bunch of dirt delivered so we could level out the yard. Now we just need a lot of rain and warm weather to get this grass seed to grow and a bigger yard for the twins.

After the babies woke up from their nap, I took them outside to play. For the first time they didn't flip out being in the grass. The only tears were from fighting over toys! :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

On the move!!!

The kids have started walking!! They've be doing this for almost two weeks....just in time for their Nonie to leave on vacation and miss it. Yes, they are evil like that. Their Aunt Cate and Uncle Don got to see them in action last weekend though.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Who Says Shopping Isn't Fun

The kids love grocery shopping at Bigg's and Kroger because they have the double race car carts. I have to admit we love it too because we can put them both in the same cart.
Elaine is gearing up to be a high performance driver just like her mom! She is constantly turning her wheel and laughing. Ethan enjoys it also, but spends a lot of his time trying to take over her wheel too.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our First Crab Experience

The twins had crab tonight for the first time. They were not that impressed and thought it was much more fun to play with the claws. Oh well, more crab for us!