Thursday, August 27, 2009

Definitely a Bath Night

Tonight the kids finished their meals and we gave them a special treat....a chocolate LAVA cake to share.

Elaine nibbled in her tiny fashion, but Ethan.......... well I think the picture says it all!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How Can I Get a Pair?

There is nothing like running around in fun pajamas!

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Visitor From the South

Bob Cole came into town this weekend. He quickly learned how to win over Ethan...let him sit on your lap while you are on the computer. After that they were buddies. Elaine warmed up to Bob Cole sometime on Saturday. She is a little harder to please! :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Big Day on Daddy's Bday

Tonight we celebrated Patrick's birthday. After dinner we headed to my softball game where the twins had a blast running around and playing with our friend's daughter Elyse. The twins wanted to go on the field all night long. Ethan thought it was a hoot to sit on the bleachers.

"Happy Birthday Dear Daddy"

After the game, which we won, we headed back home for cake. The twins joined Patrick in blowing out the candles. It was great practice for their next birthday.


The twins enjoyed the cake. Ethan jumped right in while Elaine took a more careful approach in order to look good for post cake pictures.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Pool With a View

Today the kids opted to hang out in a more calm pool located right on the deck. Plus with the tent, they were more protected by the sun.

Winding Down

After a long day of playing and swimming, the kids enjoyed a relaxing dinner on the deck.

You can't beat dinner with a great view!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Beginning of a Great Weekend

This weekend we headed to our cousin's lakehouse in Northern Illinois. We drive up to Chicago last night and stayed with Amanda, John, and Paul. This morning we packed up and headed out for the lake. The kids were ready for the trip!

On the way their we stopped for lunch so we could put the babies down for their nap right when we got there and get everything set up. The kids had a blast.

Our First Boating Experience

After the kids' nap, we headed on the boat to check out the lake. Ethan got out with everyone and had a blast. Elaine preferred hanging out on the boat. I think she was trying to look cute to see if John would let her drive!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A New Addition to the Barker Clan

Today Patrick and I got a new nephew and the twins got a new cousin. Henry Harrington Barker was born...8lbs10oz
Everyone is doing great. This is the second edition this year to the Barker family. It will be crazy after a year or two with all five grandkids running around Grandma and Grandpa Barker's house!
Congrats Cate and Don, we can't wait to see you all!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rub a Dub Dub...We Are Back in the Tub

We finished the bathroom and the twins LOVE being back in a bathtub! They love having their toys back and we love having a nice, new, and most importantly up to date bathroom that is designed so much better!