Monday, February 21, 2011

A Rainy Day Off

Today wasn't freezing cold but it was definitely raining....our backyard is a pond! To break up the day we headed to Totter's Otterville. This is a private playground similar to a Children's Museum. They have a ball pit and indoor playground, a train room, animal hospital, dance studio, building block area, face painting station, water table, and much more. The kids had a blast. We can't wait to come back when it is warmer because they have a working outdoor train.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

If the Shoe Fits

I don't know what got into their heads but the twins decided it would be fun to share shoes. They each put one of patrick's and one of Ethan's shoe on. They thought it was the greatest idea ever!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Barker Fun Day

Today we decided to have a fun day out. We started at the zoo. It was our first zoo visit of the year. The twins had a blast feeding the goats. I was a little jeebed out by the goat's eyes....they are weird and look a little alien like!

Both the twins and Patrick had a blast in the Insect House.

After the zoo we headed to the classic Clifton Skyline for lunch.

After lunch we decided to cruise downtown to the Findley Market. We got some great veggies and were beyond excited when we saw they sell Ohio City Pasta. (the guy even told us that it is cheaper down here than in Cleveland's West Market....definitely have to check that out next time we go to Cleveland) We grabbed two different flavors and headed home to make dinner and an appetizer with the ravioli.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Swim Lessons

Tonight the twins had their first swim lesson....well, Elaine had a swim lesson and Ethan cried. Ethan started the night super excited while Elaine looked very unhappy about the event.
Once their lesson started, Elaine got in the water (slowly) but Ethan would have NOTHING to do with it! I guess we'll just try again next week!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

3 Years Old!

Today was the twins' 3rd birthday and birthday party. What a blast and definitely different from last year. The twins understood it was their birthday and were VERY excited. After the streamers and balloons were put up Ethan ran around screaming "It's Party Time"! Both sides of the family were able to make it and the weather was GREAT this year. Nobody got hurt minus a few head bangs. The twins got so many great presents, thank you to everyone for such great and thoughtful presents.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dewey's For All

Tonight we met up with all the Barker's to have some dinner. Elaine had fun helping Grandma with her belated birthday gift since we couldn't make it up to Cleveland a few weeks ago.

All the kids have so much fun watching the pizza guys make the pizzas in the window. They even had some flour thrown at them which really made them laugh.