Saturday, April 30, 2011

Morgan's Birthday

Later that day we had Morgan's birthday party. The twins immediately ran outside to enjoy the nice day.

In addition to the regular crowd we got to hangout with Michael's girlfriend, Jen and her 7 year old twin girls, Jess and Kaitlyn. The twins had a blast playing with the girls.

After dinner and a lot of playing, the twins dove into some delicious cupcakes. Happy Birthday Morgan!

Our First Trip to Crabill's

Today the twins went on their first trip to Crabill's Hamburgers in Urbana. Of course they saw the chips and forgot about the hamburgers! There is always a next time I guess!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny hid the kids baskets and they had to find them.

After church and brunch, they spent the rest of the day counting their candies.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Uncle Michael comes over for Dinner!!

Tonight Uncle Michael come over for dinner and to color Easter Eggs with the kids. They had a blast coloring the eggs and putting Toy Story stickers on them.

Easter Egg hunt on Fountian Square

There was a break in the rain, a very little one, but we were able to make it dowtown to Fountian Square for the Easter Egg Hunt. It was a MADHOUSE of kids and parents running over the square to find 2000 eggs. The kids had fun since it was their real first time going downtown to see the "buildings" as Ethan calls it.

After our egg hunt, it was broken down into age groups, we decided to stay and watch the other age groups. You would not believe the people that would fight over a egg with a couple jelly beans in it. Someone actually called the police.... Glad we stayed to watch that.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fun with the camera

Just messing around before bedtime posing for the camera.


Easter started off with a co-worker of Jenny's giving the kids some Easter Cupcakes that looked like bunnies. Of course, they loved them!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stay out of the Backyard!

The kids cousin Morgan was nice enough to lend them her old Power Wheels car. At first, they would either go in circles or just run into things. They are getting better by the day! Just wish this rain would stop so they can get out and play with it agian.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Week at Disney

This weekend we headed to Disney World with the twins' Aunt Cate, Uncle Don, George and Henry. We had a blast. The kids had such a good time hanging out with each other and getting to share some Disney magic!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Something New!

It was alot of fun to watch Ethan and George try Pixi sticks. Little did they know, I picked out the sour flavors!


Jenny has been waiting for this day all her life, taking her kids to Disneyworld. Here are a couple pictures and we will follow up with more later.