Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Night Away

Tonight the twins spent the night with their Aunt Melissa and Uncle Timmy. This night Uncle Timmy was the featured attraction for them. They both wanted to be held by him at all times. Of course they let Aunt Melissa do all the fun stuff...changing diapers and clothes.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Terrible Ones

The twins got another birthday present today from the Heubi Family. Ethan has recently decided to throw temper tantrums when the smallest thing doesn't go his way. The picture below shows his starting to get upset look and then on the right he begins to throw himself on the floor.

Elaine and I kept on trucking and opened the present. They got the cutest pj's and clothes. Elaine said next year she could just get a box of ribbons and be in heaven! Thanks Heubi family it was very generous of you.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Yeah, Nonie

My mom came tonight to help out. Patrick is leaving tomorrow to go to Colorado with some buddies...must be nice! :)

Nonie is staying until Sunday. My sister, Jamie, will be joining us on Saturday with her kids. The kids are really excited to get over 3 days of Nonie time...which means lots of love and a whole lot of spoiling.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

BBBBBBabies and the Jets

The kids LOVE their piano that Aunt Jamie, Uncle Mark, Morgan, and Jake got them for their birthday. When one is sitting down and playing it the other will come up and wedge themselves between the piano and the twin sitting in the chair. You can see Ethan in the picture on the right starting the take-over.

Nonie said while she was watching them they were fighting over it again and Elaine came up with a new tactic. Ethan wouldn't let her wedge in so she threw herself over the entire keyboard to prevent Ethan from being able to play it. She's definitely my daughter!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Move over Frankie and Annette

The kids got a fun Valentine's gift from their Aunt Jamie that makes the kids dance. As you can see Ethan has all the right moves....maybe all that twisting work on his belly! :)

Like her mother, Elaine hasn't quite mastered the art of's okay Elaine, hanging out at the bar watching others dance is fun too!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Maneuvering around the house

Just wanted to show the progress in the kids walking. The kids could only walk straight lines with the walker, Ethan has learned how to turn corners and overcome minor obsticles.

Ducks in a Row

On their way back to Cleveland, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Don, Aunt Cate, and George stopped by to visit. The boys give the girls a break and relaxed with the kids on the couch.
You can't see it, but George has a cup of goldfish he was enjoying. You can see Elaine and Ethan trying to catch a glimpse of what he's got. Later Elaine tried to grab some and George responded "Elaine!". I think that is the first time I've heard him say one of their names.
We are going to Great Wolf Lodge the weekend of George's 2nd birthday in a little over a month, so I'm really excited for the kids to spend some more time with each other.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

No Longer Babies!

The kids turned 1 on Thursday and we celebrated with both sides of the family on Saturday at Chuck E Cheese. The kids had alot of fun on the slides and watching the shows. Plus, they really liked the attention from both sides of the families.

After Chuck E. Cheeses, everyone came back to our house for cake, ice cream and to sing Happy Birthday to the twins. Here is what the cake looked like before the kids got to it. They each had their own little cakes.

And now after:

The twins got a lot of presents. Thank you to everyone for the crazy amount of books, clothes, savings bonds, etc. We really appreciate and the twins love everything they received!

Moving Forward!

We were finally able to turn the car seats around and reclaim some room back in the front seats. The kids did not know what to do and had wide open eyes looking out the windows the entire trip. Now they get to see where we are going instead of where we have been.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Favorite things to do

One of the kids favorite things to do is eating snacks off the coffee table. Today we had animal crackers and milk. The kids thought this was soo funny so i decided to snap a couple pics of them.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Love "I Love You"

Santa brought the twins a stuffed animal puppy that sings and teachers stuff. As of two weeks ago they could have cared less about it. That is until the magic song.......

Now Patrick and I have the honor of hearing the song over and over again. Luckily they like some of the other songs it sings but "I Love You" is their all time favorite.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Methods of Eating...

Slow and Steady Elaine, Fast and Furious Ethan.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Almost here!

Ethan wanted to let everyone know how old he will be!

Monday, February 2, 2009

It's tough to be Elaine...

After a long day of running errands, Elaine could not make it any longer.