Sunday, August 28, 2011

Old McDonald's!

As a special treat today, for being good while we ran errands and Ethan getting his haircut, we took the kids to Old McDonald's. That is what they call McDonald's. Ethan is so proudly displaying his toy from the happy meal he got.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Taste of Blue Ash

We had some friends come into town to visit and also met up with another set of twins for the Blue Ash festival . The kids loved all the rides and did not want to stop. Here is Owen, Olivia, Oliver and Grace having fun on the Cars ride.

Everyone once again, this time Ethan and Elaine are in the picture.

I had fun with the kids trying to spin the Monkey Barrel faster and faster. Elaine wanted me to keep going as fast as I could. We got it going so fast they actually locked the barrel from spinning..... Ethan was just giggling and giggling the entire time. Owen did not look so hot after this ride.

Naked day!

Jenny and I were cleaning up the house for some friends to come over and we came down stairs to the kids riding around on the scooters, naked.....

Friday, August 26, 2011


Tonight we took the kids out for Graeter's Ice Cream as a treat. They had alot of fun eating out of the cone. Typically we get them a cup, but they saw other kids eating out of a cone and had to try it for themselves....

Monday, August 22, 2011

1st day of Preschool!!

Today was the first day of Preschool for the kids. They were excited to bring their backpacks, lunch boxes and Pillow Pets!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Camping weeknd for Patrick's Birthday

We went camping this weekend to celebrate the kids moving onto Preschool and also to celebrate Patrick's Birthday. The kids had so much fun riding their bikes, actually tricycles, and they got to ride the train.

Later we had cupcakes and the kids helped Daddy blow out the candle.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Last Day at Bev the babysitters....

This was bittersweet day for us. They stopped going to Bevs full time for Preschool on Monday. Jenny made the kids a cake to take to Bevs to share with all the kids. Recently, the kids have been into Spiderman so they asked if Jenny would make them a Spiderman cake.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Henry's 2nd Birthday

We went up to Hudson this weekend to celebrate Henry's 2nd Birthday. Phillip, Ethan and Elaine were willing to lend a hand to Henry opening presents..

The bouncy house is always a hit at any kids party!

Ethan and Elaine having fun on the seesaw.