Monday, April 21, 2008

Two Month Checkup!!!!!

Today was the 2 month checkup. For those not familiar with this, it means they each got 4 shots and a flu vaccine that they drank! Needless to say, we forgot the camera and were NOT upset about it. We were mortified and felt so bad for them that all we wanted to do was comfort them. We would have never gotten the camera out anyway. Once we got home and fed them, they slept and slept. Except for waking them up for their 10:30 feedings, Elaine slept for about 10 hours and Ethan slept for about 9 hours! I quickly snapped a picture of Ethan during his slumber and took a video of Elaine since she was moving in the swing.



Weight 10pds6oz (12%)

Length 21 inches (6%)

Head circumference 15 inches (8%)


Weight 8pds12oz (4%)

Length 20.5 inches (1%)

Head circumference 14.8 inches (11%)

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