Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Tour Continues...with Royalty!

Saturday we left Cleveland around noon. FOUR hours and four poop stops later we arrived in Urbana! (the trip usually takes about 2.5 hours) We relaxed a little and then met Emily, Nate and their ADORABLE son Owen at the Champaign Countly Fair! This was Patrick's first time at the fair. As we were waiting for Em, Nate, and Owen Patrick couldn't resist getting a Jumbo Iced Tea.

Owen and the kids took a tour of the livestock barns. Patrick got a tour of the manure piles!...yes that is a big pile of hay and poop in the background. I know he is sick of hearing this, but he was most impressed with the size of the cows/steers. It was so CUTE!

Emily enjoyed some cuddling time with the babies. I think we got her clock restarted...sorry Nate! :) We meant to get a picture of Emily with her Fair Queen crown (she was crowned summer of 1995), but once we went back to their house the twins had to eat and quickly fell asleep.

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