Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here Comes Santa Claus

Tonight the twins got to finally meet Santa!....it only took a 3 hours! We got to the mall at 3:30. We didn't have much traffic and found a spot one space from the door! We thought we were in complete luck...then we got to Santa's line. They were taking reservations and the first available was at 6:05. We walked around the mall until 5:45 and went back to Santa's area. We then waited until 6:20 for Santa to come back from his break. While we were walking around the mall, Patrick had to run across the street (we didn't want to lose our parking space) to Fresh Market and get the twins some Cheerios. After all said and done, we finally got home right after 7pm because there was an ice storm while we were in the mall and driving home was REALLY SLOW! It was worth it though. Elaine was all smiles, Ethan wasn't too thrilled to sit on some old man's lap....we'll have to watch Elaine closely in the future!

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