Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today is Thanksgiving! We woke up rearing to go!
Ethan was all fun enjoying dress up with Elaine's
hair barrettes!

After their naps, we got the twins changed for the family Christmas card picture. We wanted to do it quickly to send them out with our new address.

After pictures, the twins had a blast playing with all of the toys and books at Grandma and Grandpa's!

Unfortunately, George was feeling under the weather, so they could not make it. The twins were completely upset, but before we knew it Aunt Melissa, Uncle Timmy, and Phillip arrived!
Phillip looked dashing in his Thanksgiving gear. I will definitely be there on his prom night showing this pic to his date!

The twins enjoyed their time with Phillip, but they definitely can't wait until he is a little more durable to play with! :)

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