Thursday, June 11, 2009

15 Month Checkup

Today we took the kids to the doctor for their 15 month checkup, almost a month late.... Here are the stats:

Weight 21lbs 6 oz (7.8%)
Height 29.5 inches (4%)
Head Circumference 18.5 inches (38%)

Weight 21 lbs 8 oz (22%)
Weight 30 inches (25%)
Head Circumference 18.5 inches (75%)

After the doctor's appointment, the twins got visitors. Friends of ours, Brian and Jen Russell, came over. They are expecting boy/girl twins later this summer. I was amazed, the twins were so warm to them. Usually they are very shy around strangers, but they loved hanging out with them. Ethan even let Brian hold him a few times!

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