Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blackout 2008 Day- 3

We woke up this morning and quickly looked at the clock..no go, still out! Last night at Melissa and Timmy's I saw that my school was still closed. Patrick's office regained electric that night, so he had to go into work. This left me to head down to Children't Hospital alone to get Ethan tested for whopping cough.

Once I checked him in they immediately handed me a mask to put on him. Seriously, how is a 7 month old going to react to a mak on their face? As you can see...NOT well!

I got him out of his car seat and he quickly fell asleep. He slept for a good 15 minutes and woke up shortly after we were brought into the testing room. Once he awoke with the mask he was fine! He wasn't a big fan of the test, but they did it quickly and he only cried for a few seconds.

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