Friday, September 12, 2008

First Road Trip Alone

Today the kids and I left for our first semi-long (5 hrs) road trip alone. Patrick stayed home and worked on the house. The twins and I headed up for Lizzy's parents' lake house in Syracuse, IN.

We stopped about half way to have dinner. I was really freaked about how this would go. Like a mirage in the desert, a sign for Panera showed up when I was looking to stop! It was great! We set up camp in the back corner near an outlet. I fed the kids while their bottles warmed.

To make it even more memorable, this was the first time they ate in high chairs! Ethan loved it, Elaine grew unhappy after a few minutes and finished the meal on my lap!

Here is a picture of Ethan watching Elaine enjoy the life of leisure.

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